Japanese Quote: Episode2 「せいぜん」Organised neatly | Japanese Language School in Sydney | BBICollege

Japanese Quote: Episode2 「せいぜん」Organised neatly

By Ayako sensei, Posted on 22/02/2017

Many of our students tell us about what they were amazed in Japan.


Student: せんせい、にほんは とてもきれいでした!

Me: Then, what was beautiful?

Student: Of course scenery was beautiful, but I mean, was really organised neatly!!

Me: Oh, really.

Student: Yes! You don’t think so?


Well…. we might not realise everything is organised very neatly because it is natural for us.

But when going back to Japan while holiday, I found what they meant.



A shelf at a supermarket.

Japanese handcachief

An organiser at a souvenir shop


Things are organised neatly!!!!!!!

We call the situation/appearance 「せいぜん(seizen)」 .

Even snack shelf was せいぜん.


Oh… Yum…


This is why Japan looks organised and beautiful country.



Do you want to study at organised circumstance?


We introduce a variety of courses for your study.

Study in University – Modern Japanese Study Program at Hokkaido University

Short term (A few weeks ~ months) – Intensive Japanese course, Japanese lessons and short trips

Long term (1~2 years) – General Japanese course


Our Japanese courses are not only organised but also flexible for your goal!!


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