Japanese Culture Episode4: Yukata ゆかた | Japanese Language School in Sydney | BBICollege

Japanese Culture Episode4: Yukata ゆかた

By Ayako sensei, Posted on 10/08/2017

Japanese Culture 日本文化


Japanese traditional wear – Yukata

One of the most poplar attractions for foreigners as it is easier to wear Yukata than Kimono.


Just a several steps to wear.


Yukata originally started to be used more than one thousand years ago.
It was a costume for bathing.

We wore something to take a bath before!!! lol


Nowadays, we wear Yukata for special occasions such as Summer festival (Matsuri, まつり), Fireworks festival (Hanabi-taikai, はなびたいかい) or any events that encourage people to wear Kimono so that they can get some complementary.

So it is one of the icons to express summer in Japan.
(As we wear Yukata with one layer of clothes, we do so in summer)


Yukata is poplar among men, of course.



And for kids.




Oh, and for puppies.

Yukata suites for everyone!!


Of course you can experience Yukata wearing in Kyoto, Tokyo…etc.

But many Japanese inns called Ryokan prepare Yukata for room wear.

It is loosen fits and soft texture for relaxing.

Some onsen cities allows people to walk around the town to express atmosphere of Japan.

You will find Yukata friends there!!!



Japanese school offer many short-term package course in summer.
Some of the might give you chance to wear Yukata and take you to Matsuri!!

For more information about Study/work in Japan to go to Japan!!

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