明けましておめでとうございます!2025 | Japanese Language School in Sydney | BBICollege


By BBICollege, Posted on 06/01/2025

Happy New Year! Let’s study Japanese this year !

Japan freak, Come on our BBI College Japanese Language School !

2025 has started, we BBIC wishes you are healty and fulfill this year more than last one.

明けましておめでとうございます“Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu” means Happy New Year in Japanese.

We, BBI College Japanese Language School located CBD in Sydney offer Japanese lessons since 2014, over 10 years experiences. We also run the event, Japan Education Fair, for people who are interested in going abroad to Japan. Our mother body is Big Bridge International / Japan Centre Australia established in 2004 where offer the services to Japanese students and working holiday makers who wish to come to Australia to study English and experience Aussy life. Also, we run Teaching Japanese Training Course for the Japanease people who wish to be Japanese teacher in the future.

This is some tips about our college but you can see we focus on Japanese language, Japanese people and Japanese teachers. Yes, we might be only one school in full of Japan and Japanese in Australia.

2025 is your great year to explore Japanese world and trust us that we will offer delightful Japanese language, culture and future for you!


And our First term in 2025 will start the week of 13 Jan!

▶ Now open application for Term 1 2025(13 Jan – 8 Mar)
▶  Free trial lesson(class inspeciton) and Free assessment!


Why study with BBICollge ?

1)Wide range of classes ~Beginner to Advanced~

In addition to the beginner course, we offer a wide range of classes from beginner to advanced level and J-plus class. So if you have learned Japanese, we can arrange a class that suits your level. The simplest class is for those who are learning Japanese for the first time in the class introduced today, but the highest level class is for those who are learning the N1 level of JLPT. Students in this class can speak Japanese in normal daily conversation. In this class, we will have discussions according to Japanese newspapers and topics. Something like this we will find a suitable class for you, so please feel free to contact us to check your suitable class.

Our new term will start SOON! which is starting from the week of 13th Jan 2025 as a Term 1 2025. we are waiting for inquiries and new application from YOU 😉 Please check the time schedule and date for each group class from the link below!

▶ Term 1 is starting from the week of 13th Jan 2025
▶ Time schedule for each group class in Term 1 2025 🙂 


2)Our teachers at BBIC(^^)/

All BBIC teachers are native Japanese from Japan. Our teacher(s) is very passionate and experienced to teach Japanese, and this encourage students to study Japanese comprehensively. Throughout the course, you will be able to establish some ideas of Japanese language and culture. Also, we organise lessons that you can use a grammar structures in conversation or writing of daily life to communicate with Japanese speakers. These input and output training allows you to develop language skills. In addition, feature of BBIC’s group class is that it has a small number of people. So students can feel free to ask questions to the teacher, and everyone is having fun and getting along with each other!


3)Events with Japanese Students at the school !

As you know our mother body is agency for Japanese students from Japan and we have many Japanese students and working holiday makers here in Sydney. We always think about getting together Aussy and Japanese students to get to know each culture and peolple itself. That must be fantastic situation for each other if those who would like to know each cultures.

So we organize the events for Aussy students and Japanese students like “SPEAKING JAPANESE NIGHT EVENT !” and  “SPEAKING ENGLISH NIGHT EVENT !”

For Aussy Japanese learners, don’t you have much opportunity to speak Japanese currently? So here is opportunity to speak real Japanese with Japanese native speaker 🙂

We BBI College Japanese language school know that there are many people who are interested in Japanese culture, food, people and Japanese language itself in Australia. However not so much chances to speak Japanese with Japanese native speakers friendly.

If you would like to speak Japanese language and feel Japan and Japanese culture, why don’t you come to our school!


4)Support Aussy Students for going abroad to Japan !

We can support you to study abroad to Japan

We are agency for Japanese students but also for Aussy students who wish to go abroad to Japan. We have connected to the Japanese language schools, Vocational school and University in Japan and we can support you to study abroad to Japan if wish to.

Studying language in the country is the best way to improve your language skill as you are forced to listen, speak, read, and write the language 24/7. It also helps you to make Japanese friends and get along with Japanese community. Japanese schools in Japan do not provide only the Japanese lessons but also a lot of activities such as sightseeing, skiing, cultural experience (tea ceremony, flower arrangement, etc.) through both long and short term courses. So like your image of Japan, sometimes study at the desk in classroom for hours is not correct for you Japanese study!

Please feel free to contact us for your dream in Japan !

▶ more information about the schools in Japan to study abroad !

We are BBI College Japanese Language School in Sydney

From Japanese Beginners to Japanese Advanced learners! Japanese language school in Sydney CBD is available!!

Your Japanese study at BBI College is tailored for your study goal. General Japanese is for broaden purpose such as staying in Japan for a couple of months and studying/working in Japan. Japanese Private Lesson allows you to focus on what you want to improve Japanese.

We offer the group lessons 5 terms a year and the private lessons any time. Please see the information such as course info, time schedule and so on for our Japanese lessons as below.

TEL: 02-9264-8803
Email: info@bbicollege.com
Address: Suite 3.03, Level 3, 39 Liverpool Street, Sydney, NSW 2000


▶ Update information on Face book
▶ BBI College Japanese Language school Home page top

▶ What’s on update information
▶ Course information for Japanese Language courses
▶ Time schedule and Fees
▶ Study abroad to Japan information
▶ Application form for enrolment
▶ Contact us !

Please confirm these things and if you would like to know more details, please feel free to ask us :-). We are always happy to talk to you !!

▶ Now we offer Free Japanese lesson and Free assessment!

:’* ☆°・ .゜★。°: ゜・ 。 *゜・:゜☆。:’* ☆°




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