Contact | Japanese Language School in Sydney | BBICollege


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If you have any question about our course (General Japanese, Travel Japanese, HSC Japanese Preparation, JLPT Preparation, Japanese private lesson,Japanese Trial Class), school fee, level-ckeck, Japanese study plan, etc please feel free to send inquiry through this contact form. We will get back to you within three working days.

FAQs is useful so that you do not need to wait for the reply.

* These are required items.

Applicant Details

* Name

* Email

* Contact Number - -

What inquiry?

Q1.You are interested in; (You can tick many) *Please refer to our Japanese Course page

Q2.Have you studied Japanese before?

If you answered "yes", where it was?
How many hours in total?
Which textbook have you used?

Q3.How did you find our Japanese Language School?

Q4.When are you going to start studying Japanese? *Please refer to our Timetable & Fee for the schedule of this year


If you haven’t had any reply from us in 3 working days, please contact us on

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