Learning Tips for Japanese Episode4: Particle「と」「や」「か」
Yesterday, I gave some particle quiz to students in Advanced class.
Do not worry a lot, Beginner students. You will gradually be getting to know what the particles are…
Today, I got 「と」「や」「か」 to talk about.
Yes, they connect two or more nouns and are translated in ‘and’ and ‘or’.
①Particle 「と」
When you use particle 「と」, you need to mention all of nouns you suppose to raise.
For example, you ate only rice and miso soup for breakfast.
あさごはんに ごはん と みそしる を たべました。
Another example, you ate rice, miso soup, grilled fish, and pickled vegetable for breakfast.
あさごはんに ごはん と みそしる と やきざかな と つけもの をたべました。
Do you feel lazy to mention all items?
② Particle 「や」
If you have more than three items and feel lazy to mention (or do not need to mention) all of them, you can use 「や」instead of 「と」.
Let’s use previous example.
あさごはんに ごはん や みそしる をたべました。
We automatically know there were some more items even though you did no mention.
③ Particle 「か」
In question or when you mention ‘either’, you can use 「か」. The alternatives have to be two items.
あさごはんに ごはん か パン をたべますか。 (Do you (usually) eat rice or bread for breakfast?)
あさごはんに ごはん か パン をたべます。 (I (usually) eat either rice or bread for breakfast.)
Our teachers will clearly answer your questions about particles!!!
Let’s join our Japanese lesson!!
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