Not too late for HSC Preparation | Japanese Language School in Sydney | BBICollege

Not too late for HSC Preparation

By Ayako sensei, Posted on 30/03/2018

Never too late for HSC Preparation

Just have finished Y12 half yearly exam.

How was the result?


It is not too late for HSC Preparation in October!

Our HSC Preparation course is provided by native and qualified Japanese teachers. They have experiences in HSC and teaching Japanese field for years.

We provide tailored lessons so that every student can develop their strength and improve their weakness. Also, we organise study group to improve our teachers’ skills and analyse exam papers. This allows teachers to exchange ideas and opinions on HSC studies, that develops quality of our lessons.

A few years ago, I had a student who was studying HSC Beginners. The student was desperate for grammar and told me she did not understand what was saying in reading and listening comprehension of the half yearly exam. So she needed tutoring.

I went through all the grammar structures that she supposed to learn until that time and let her write a diary entry to use the structure/s that she learned on that day as well as study vocabulary by herself. I tried this because one teacher advised me to build up grammar structures and vocabulary first since it is essential to learn languages.

By the time of the actual exam, especially her writing got dramatically improved.


We know all the contents from Beginners to upper level. And we provide lessons continuing to the future, that our students keep learning Japanese to achieve their goals (not only getting great marks in HSC)!!


Let’s get started to study with us:)



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