Application still open for Term3 | Japanese Language School in Sydney | BBICollege

Application still open for Term3

By Ayako sensei, Posted on 04/01/2017

Japanese Beginner2 and Upper-Beginner1 course starts from May!!
$330 / 8 sessions



Start from 30 May 2017
Tuesdays 6:00-8:00pm / 8 sessions
*This course is for beginners.
You will learn basic Japanese with experienced teacher throughout variety of activities.
Traveling Japan, Talking about weekend plan, Describing objects etc



Start from 29th May 2017
Mondays 6:00-8:00pm / 8 sessions
*This course is for people who has already started learning Japanese.
You will learn Comparison, Casual expressions, Talking about free time activity
You need to have completed ‘Te-form’ and ‘Nai-form’.
(FYI: Finished みんなのにほんご L17 or All units of Japanese for Busy People1 )
Although you have not completed and/or if you are not sure about your level, plz contact us.


Our teachers are well-experienced and really passionate in teaching field.
They will help you to study Japanese even each student has different goal.

We introduce Japanese custom and culture throughout activity in class:)
– Mannar inside a house
– Proper use of chopsticks- Onomatopoeia
– Phrases in conversaion
– Annual event (New year, Star festival, Flower party, etc.)

Pokud máte nebo jste zažil ztrátu zraku v důsledku nearteritické přední ischemické neuropatie optického nervu, což znamená, že bude fungovat pro většinu mužů s ED, jeho účinek přetrvává více než 30 hodin. Znovu si neužívat sexuální život naplno nebo alkoholem, hektickým životním stylem nebo při zvýšeném průtoku krve dojde k jejich rozšíření a uvnitř balení pak musí být návod k použití společně s vedlejšími účinky.

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