Japanese Advanced Course | Japanese Language School in Sydney | BBICollege

Japanese Advanced Course

By Ayako sensei, Posted on 17/11/2017

Japanese Advanced Course

Advanced course is for people who have studied Japanese for a certain duration. Students will develop Japanese language skill through a variety of topics such as society, environmental issue, family, etc. More discussions are conducted and students will explore information in Japanese like they do in their language.

*Level check test is required to join this course


Japanese Advanced1


This course aims to:
– Be able to discuss current affairs in Japan with complicated structures.
– Understand business circumstances and cultural manners in Japan.
– Communicate with Japanese people in fluent level.


Japanese Advanced2

This course aims to:
– Be able to discuss current affairs in Japan through realistic materials such as newspaper and videos.
– Be able to express opinions and thoughts in academic language.
– Communicate with Japanese people at native level.


Japanese Advanced3

This course aims to:
– Be able to talk and discuss about current affairs in Japan through realistic materials such as newspaper and videos.
– Understand social issues and cultural differences in detail and add opinions and thoughts on it.
– Communicate with Japanese people at native level.


We will open Advanced2 course on Term1 2018 starting from January.


Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Apply now to reserve your seat or contact us for further information!!

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