Learning Tips for Japanese Episode2: Particle「で」 | Japanese Language School in Sydney | BBICollege

Learning Tips for Japanese Episode2: Particle「で」

By Ayako sensei, Posted on 25/12/2017

Learning Tips for Japanese Episode2: Particle「で」


Who is struggled with particles in Japanese?

Today I’m gonna talk about particle 「で」.


Particle 「で」 is not complicated but it has more meanings than particle 「を」.

Now, let’s have a look them!


Which meaning came up first?


①Place 「で」

This is the easiest and most used even you are at advanced level.

Place 「で」 is used like,

あした としょかん べんきょうします。 (I am going to study at a library tomorrow.)

So particle 「で」 describes places where you take an action, while particle 「に」 does places where someone/something exists or moves to.




②Tool・Method 「で」

This is also easy and learned at early beginner level.

Do you recon this sentence?

でんしゃ としょかんに いきます。(I got to the library by train.)

はし すしを たべます。(I eat sushi with using chopsticks.)

「で」 states how you implement the action.



③ Material 「で」

おりかみ にんぎょうを つくります。(I make a doll with origami paper.)

「で」 describes materials that you use to make something. So verbs like 「つくります(to make)」 is often used with 「で」.

Also, both ‘be made of ~’ and ‘be made from ~’ are usually translated to 「で」 in Japanese. Lucky!!



④ Reason/Cause 「で」

ゆき でんしゃが うごきません。(Trains do not run because of the snow.)

You might know/will learn 「~から」 is one of the conjunctive particles like 「で」.

「~から」 can be used with verbs, adjectives, and nouns in both polite form and plain form.

But particle 「で」 can be used with only noun. So it is much more easy to use 「~から」 as;

ゆきが ふっていますから でんしゃが うごきません。

ゆき  でんしゃが うごきません。



Now you are the master of particle 「で」!!!



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